32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring Treatments

The jawline is key to facial beauty and also to how ‘youthful’ the face appears, yet it can be neglected by many when it comes to treatments. 

Yet when it comes to facial beauty and ageing, each area of the face has a role to play in the way that it relates to other areas.

The lower face is really important in the overall context of facial structure, as it defines the outer shape of the face. Whether a face is heat shaped, oval or round is dictated to a large extent by the shape of the jawline and how it fits with the upper face.

The jawline is what give the face its profile and part of what makes your face shape unique.

However, the jawline is an area that can change during the ageing process. Loosening of facial tissues and loss of bone density mean that the jaw can start to ‘sag’. This can be accentuated by changes in fat composition – both weight gain and weight loss can have an impact on the face shape and jawline. Finally, the skin itself tends to become less elastic, which adds to the droop. What was once a well-defined ‘V’ shape with a sharp chin can become a squarer ‘U’ shape with soft jowls.

It is a gradual process and something that can go unnoticed at first. However, once you realise that the jawline is blurring, drifting and losing definition, it can become an area of concern and a major target for anti-ageing treatments.

Is it possible to reshape the jawline without surgery?

The good news is that advances in non-surgical treatments now give patients a number of options for the jawline; both for cosmetic reshaping (improving the profile for aesthetic reasons) and also for tightening, lifting and contouring to rejuvenate the face.

Ultherapy jawline contouring

Most people tend to think they need surgery or injections for enhancing the jawline, but Ultherapy treatment is a completely different option which is non-invasive yet highly effective. The treatment delivers ultrasound energy to the deeper layers of skin, where it warms the tissues and stimulates the body’s natural healing responses. The new collagen and tighter skin mean a noticeable ‘lift’ to the jawline.

Just one treatment may be sufficient, but patients can have a couple if required, as the treatment is quite safe and well-tolerated.

Ultherapy Ultrasound Treatment

Ultherapy Neck Jawline Results

Dermal Filler Injections

Dermal fillers can be used to add volume within the skin. This is ideal where volume has been lost as part of the ageing process. However, it can also be relevant for people who naturally don’t have much definition around the jawline. Enhancing the profile with dermal fillers means that a more dynamic shape can be built:

  • Straightening out where ‘jowls’ have formed
  • Sharpening the profile for a more noticeable ‘edge’
  • Contouring to provide aesthetically pleasing shape

Results are instant and some of the premium dermal fillers last really well too.

Dermal filler injections

Botulinum Toxin Injections (BOTOX®)

BOTOX® is well known as a treatment for smoothing out wrinkles by relaxing the fine dynamic facial muscle movements that cause the skin to form lines. However, the way it acts to suppress muscle movement can also be relevant around the jawline, specifically for those who have bulky or overactive masseter muscles. BOTOX has the effect of softening the area for a more feminine shape with less bulk. It can also treat bruxism (teeth grinding).

Anti-Wrinkle injections

Cosmeceutical skincare

Finally, cosmeceutical skincare can also play a role in the jawline, albeit in more of a preventative role. By taking good care of the skin, premature ageing can be delayed. Powerful ingredients that stimulate the skin can tighten it and this can be beneficial in the overall facial appearance and even shape to a certain extent. If professional skincare is not yet part of your regime, then you may well be surprised just how much of a difference it makes.

Prescription Skincare

Mulberry House Clinic

Established 2003

Mulberry House Clinic has an excellent reputation in the Northampton area as an independent, doctor-led practice with vast experience of the industry. Cosmetic skin treatments are carried out by Dr John Tanqueray, who works closely with leading manufacturers to remain at the forefront of the medical aesthetics.

A private consultation is the starting point for all patients in order to facilitate a full discussion about the desired results as well as detailed facial and skin assessment. Find out more about first consultation.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please complete our contact form, call 01604 702630 or email: info@mulberryhouseclinic.co.uk.


Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring Treatments
Article Name
Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring Treatments
Non-surgical treatments give options for contouring the jawline; both for cosmetic reshaping and also for tightening, lifting and rejuvenating the face.
Publisher Name
Mulberry House Clinic