32 The Green, Firs Court
Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6TB

Laser/IPL for PCOS Hair Growth

PCOS hair removal

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) has a great many unpleasant symptoms. Excessive facial or body hair is one of the most noticeable and can cause significant distress.

Women with polycystic ovaries may also experience problems with acne breakouts, trouble losing weight, sleep apnoea, fertility problems and diabetes.

PCOS  is a complex hormonal condition which affects approximately one in 10 women in the UK. It is diagnosed when 2 or more of the following conditions apply:

  1. Irregular periods or no periods at all
  2. Signs of higher than normal levels of androgen (sometimes called the ‘male hormone’) e.g. oily skin, acne, excessive face/body hair, thinning hair on the crown. Blood tests can check androgen levels and rule out other conditions
  3. Polycystic ovaries are detected on an ultrasound scan.

The causes of polycystic ovaries are not completely understood, although it is believed to be an inherited condition.

Dealing with PCOS Excessive Hair

As one of the more visible signs of PCOS, abnormal hair growth on the face and/or body is one of the more troubling concerns. Trying to control or remove the excessive hair can be very difficult for the patients.

Due to the high growth rate, the usual temporary hair removal solutions such as waxing, shaving or creams can be quite unsatisfactory as they need repeating so often. This can cause irritation to the skin as well.

Long-lasting removal of the excessive or unwanted hair is a very popular option and IPL/laser hair removal has excellent results. It is the ideal solution for unwanted or excessive hair as it gives long-lasting results. This is because the light energy actually works beneath the surface of the skin to destroy the follicles, thereby preventing regrowth.

Advanced IPL hair removal Northampton

Mulberry House Clinic now offer IPL hair removal treatment using the M22 IPL Intense Pulsed Light System. This is a state of the art high tech system only found in reputable, medical skin clinics.

The results of advanced IPL hair removal have been so good that it has superseded ND:Yag laser hair removal, as the advanced IPL offers:

  • Superior results
  • Patient satisfaction
  • Excellent safety profile

The M22 multi-platform system Intense Pulsed Light treatment involves delivering light energy to the skin in a series of fast yet powerful shots. The intense light energy penetrates the outer layer of skin and targets hair follicles by seeking colour contrast. The follicles are heated and damaged so that they become dormant and the hair simply stops growing. The IPL intense pulsed light technology makes hair removal fast, comfortable and highly effective.

The treatment is ideal for polycystic ovaries syndrome hair growth, as it prevents the rapid regrowth associated with the condition. As an independent doctor-led skin clinic, Mulberry House Clinic appreciates the medical nature of PCOS, understanding the cause as well as the symptoms.

The team will fully evaluate the hair growth and provide expert advice before embarking on treatment. They’ll also let you know what to expect over a course of sessions.

Experts recommend 6 treatments for best results, as IPL only treats hair in the ‘active’ phase of its growth cycle, so repeat sessions are required for optimum coverage. However, the M22 system is so good that most patients can notice some reduction in the amount of hair left after every successive session – even the first.

At Mulberry House Clinic, treatment is carried out by former nurse Liz Tanqueray.

More information

Mulberry House Clinic

Established 2003

Mulberry House Clinic has an excellent reputation in the Northampton area as an independent, doctor-led practice with over 19 years experience. Dr John Tanqueray is a former GP who can assess and diagnose skin conditions from a medical perspective before suggesting the most appropriate treatments.

A private consultation is the starting point for all patients in order to facilitate a full discussion about the desired results as well as detailed facial and skin assessment. Find out more about first consultation.

For further information or to arrange a confidential consultation, please complete our contact form, call 01604 702630 or email: info@mulberryhouseclinic.co.uk.

Laser/IPL for PCOS Hair Growth
Article Name
Laser/IPL for PCOS Hair Growth
Advanced IPL intense pulsed light (laser) technology is ideal for PCOS polycystic ovaries syndrome hair growth. Destroys follicles to prevent rapid regrowth.
Publisher Name
Mulberry House Clinic